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Boon-docking Location(s)
Garberville to Eureka, US-101 (4-lane), pullouts, tree views, hwy noise. Avenue of the Giants, 32 mi of the the old hwy thru Humboldt Redwoods SP, is scenic, OK for lg rigs (but most pkg lots are small w/ limited turnaround). Eureka to Crescent City (most 2-lane) has some scenic pullouts that overlook ocean. Howard/Ann Kashuta #8029 May 93. Updated by Jacques Wesson #19227 Jul 10.
Several very lg pullouts. No prohibitive signs. Along US-101 on top of the hill between Garberville & Benbow, W side of hwy. Jim Datsko #92881 viewed Sep 14.
Wailaki CG, King Range Natl Conservation Area (BLM). 13 BD sites, tables, fire rings. Potable W in summer, vault toilets. $8, S/A Pass 1/2. NB US-101 x639B, TL on Redwood Dr, go ~2.5 mi (thru Redway), TL (W) on Briceland/Shelter Cove Rd, go 22 mi, TL (S) on Chemise Mountain Rd, go 1.9 mi. SB US-101 x642, keep straight onto Redwood Rd, go ~2.1 mi, TR (W) on Briceland/Shelter Cove Rd, follow above. Some sites OK for lg rigs but Shelter Cove Rd has many tight turns & grades. Much shade along sm creek. Chemise Mtn trailhead nearby. Nearby Shelter Cove at the ocean has a FHU CG, airport, inns, restaurants, golf course, minor food shopping, ocean boat launch, lg fish cleaning sta. One can also drive down on the beach & camp, but be aware of tides. Can be foggy at the beach. Adrien Favareille #132802 Aug 17.