- Viewed - 13
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Boon-docking Location(s)
Several gravel pullouts & a few paved. No signs. Along 13 mi of US-395 from ~17 mi N of town on US-395 at Madeline to ~30 mi N of town at Likely. Some lg enough for several lg RVs, leveling required. Most are in hilly areas w/ grand views of natural forest & countryside. Hwy noise. Bill Garmire #85439 viewed May 15.
Several gravel pullouts & a few paved. No signs. Along US-395, from Ravendale 28 mi S to Viewland. Some lg enough for several lg RVs, leveling required. Most are in hilly areas w/ grand views of natural forest & countryside. Hwy noise. Bill Garmire #85439 viewed May 15.
Ramhorn Springs CG (BLM). 10 sites, tables, fire rings. Spring, vault toilet, trash disposal. Donations. 8 mi S of Ravendale (~45 mi N of Susanville, 2.4 mi N of state RA) on US-395, go 3 mi E on BLM-26000 to CG on L (N). BLM-26000 is easy to drive, but may be muddy in wet or dusty in dry weather. 40.70733 -120.25366. Several sites OK for lg RV. Quiet. Horse corral, some shade, good solar. No cell service. Don & Jill Jacques #100485 May 13.
BD (BLM). No facilities. Free. 8 mi S of Ravendale on US-395, go 5.9 mi E on BLM-26000, passing CG on L, to open area on top of bluff. 40.72522 -120.20709. Room for several RVs. Rd past CG is challenging, check 1st w/ sm vehicle. Don & Jill Jacques #100485 May 13.