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Location Map
- Address : 5JRH+2P, Warm Springs, NV 89049, USA
Street View
Boon-docking Location(s)
Lunar Volcanic Field/Black Rock area, NE of Warm Springs along US-6. No restrictive signs anywhere – all BLM land. See NV NOTE 5: MILE MARKERS. This area has uniqueness & beauty worthy of a NP or NM. Places OK for lg-rig O/N pkg: just W of MM NY66, SE side, RA w/ tables, grills, trash. Carole Anderson #127617 viewed May 21.
MM NY72, SE side, pullout.
NY73, SW side, pullout.
NY75.5, SW side, pullout.
NY79, SW side, pullout.
NY82, sign “Black Rock Lava Flow” – drive in a few feet – room on either side of rd (it is a wash – don’t do if raining or about to rain!), or drive ~1 mi further up the rd (warning: dusty, washboarded, some sand) at pullout by info marker.
NY88, both sides at Black Rock Summit, pullouts.
Side trips w/ your 2 or 4WD vehicle (not for your RV!): 1) At MM 82.5 see sign “Lunar Crater”. Drive carefully across ditch & rise to get to generally well-maintained rd. After a few mi, see a sign “The Wall” (Floyd fans cheer!) on the L, take the rd ~1 mi as far as you can go, hike up to the ridge (bring your camera), there’s a whole other world to see there. Then go back, TL at “The Wall” sign, continue around S side of Lunar Lake (also seen from The Wall), then on to Lunar Crater on the L. After that, continue down the rd to sign on R “Easy Chair Crater” – take short rd to it and hike up to rim. Then back to main rd, TR, and you will be at US-6 MM 79, across from the pullout mentioned above. 2) At MM 76 there is a sign “Moore’s Station” for a well-maint but dusty gravel rd going SW. Take that rd 13.0 mi to a huge crater on the L & the site of “Project Faultless” an underground nuclear test detonation done in 1968 (At ~10 mi you come to a crest, prepare to use LOW GEAR going down. At 11.7 mi you will cross another well-traveled rd – go straight thru it.). Signs say not to remove the soil contaminated with petroleum (yea that and what else – bring a geiger counter?). Just past that crater, on the L you will see what appears to be an old underground viewing bunker. Keep on going straight to a 2nd crater. Come back to the bunker and TL, after a bit bear R and proceed to a 3rd crater. Back to bunker & reverse directions to return to US-6. Note: at MM 60.75 is the “Central Nevada Test Site Base Camp”. You can also take that rd in to the nuclear craters. 3) At MM 82 “Black Rock Lava Flow” sign, just take the rd SW as far as you like, for closeup views of the old lava flows.
Unattributed sublistings by Guy Gipson #84383 Oct 07.